iTHINK Financial to Donate Funds to Orphan, Jacob Hicks
By: iTHINK Financial | Dec 14, 2021

iTHINK Financial Credit Union is accepting donations for two- year old Jacob Hicks, who was orphaned earlier this month after his parents were murdered. Justin Hicks was a Cherokee County Fire Fighter; he and his wife, Amber Hicks, were also members at iTHINK Financial.
Members of the community are asked to donate funds for Jacob to the iTHINK Financial account FBO Justin and Amber Hicks. Monetary donations will be matched by the credit union.
In addition to monetary donations, iTHINK Financial is collecting items to help Jacob and his grandparents. Items needed include Pampers Cruisers, size 6; Desitin diaper cream, Hello Bello or Pampers unscented wipes; Hello Bello or Aveeno Eczema lotion; winter clothing, size 4T; spring and summer clothing, size 5T; toddler boys shoes, sizes 7, 8, and 9; and Target or Walmart gift cards.
Michael Miller, President at iTHINK Financial stated, “We are deeply saddened to hear about the senseless murder of two of our members, one who was a first responder. We want to help Jacob and his grandparents during this tragedy. Our hearts are with him. I’m asking the community to please give something for little Jacob. As a credit union family, we are here for him during this awful heartbreak.”
iTHINK Financial is a Member-owned financial institution that has provided financial services to families for over 51 years. To be eligible for Membership, you must work for or be retired from a Member Company, live in an approved county, worship or attend school in an approved county, or be an immediate family member of/live in the same household as an existing Member. You can begin taking advantage of their very competitive deposit rates on savings and checking by opening an account online using their secure Online Membership Application or calling 800.873.5100.
About iTHINK Financial
iTHINK Financial, established in 1969, is a growing and dynamic credit union, with more than 99,000 Members worldwide and $1.80 billion in assets. A credit union is a not-for-profit financial institution that is owned by its Members. Credit unions generally offer high-yield deposits, low interest-rate loans and low fee structures. iTHINK Financial offers a complete range of products and services including: Checking and Savings accounts, Money Market accounts, Certificates, IRAs, First and Second Mortgages, Car Loans, Visa® Credit Cards, Business Services, and much more.