The 2024 Financial Resolutions Guide | iTHINK Financial
By: iTHINK Financial | Jan 03, 2024

New Year's resolutions often revolve around health and fitness, but what if you add financial health to your New Year goals? Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." At iTHINK Financial, we believe that applies to your finances as much as it does the direction you travel in any other area of your life. Essentially, you cannot achieve a goal you do not plan for, which is why this blog post focuses on how to plan and achieve your financial resolutions this coming year. This guide explores how to understand your finances, set realistic goals, reduce debt, and help you navigate your path to financial security and success. Let's make 2024 your best financial year yet!
Understanding Your Finances
Are you financially literate? Do you understand your current financial health? The majority of American adults often feel stress because of money. You can reduce your financial stress by understanding your financial situation. Financial literacy includes understanding your finances and using financial skills such as personal finance management, budgeting, and investing.
The first step in setting financial goals for 2024 is understanding your current financial health. Online tools like financial calculators can help you determine your current financial health and assess your current finances, including your net worth, net income, debt-to-income ratio, living expenses, and rate of savings. Other factors to consider are your retirement savings and credit score. Understanding your finances is imperative for setting financial goals.
Setting Realistic Financial Goals
Once you have an understanding of your current financial situation, you can establish goals and objectives for the future. A financial goal is anything you want to achieve with your money. It may be paying down debt, saving for a vacation, buying a new car, or accumulating cash reserves for investments or emergencies.
Financial goals can be short-term, mid-term, or long-term. A short-term goal typically takes less than three years to accomplish. This may include building an emergency fund, saving for a significant life event like a wedding or international travel, or paying off debts. Mid-term financial goals take more than three years but less than ten years to achieve and may include buying a car with cash or saving for a house. Long-term financial goals often take more than ten years and involve much larger sums of money. A long-term goal may be retirement, college tuition, or paying off a mortgage.
Setting realistic goals is best done using the SMART approach. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Specific, measurable goals let you know at a glance how you are doing and allow you to make necessary changes when needed. Achievable goals are motivating as opposed to impossibly high goals that can be deflating. Remember, goals can be both challenging and achievable. Financially relevant goals will contribute something positive to the life you live now as well as establish a more secure financial future. It is essential to put a time limit on your goal setting because goals with no expiration date are rarely met.
Creating a Practical Budget
A practical budget aligns with your current financial health and goals. It is about making your money work for you instead of living in limbo at the mercy of your bank account balance. You want your budget to be achievable and sustainable.
A budget is your plan for your money. Here are a few tips for creating a practical budget:
● List your income. Your income is any money you will acquire in the coming month or year. This may include paychecks, side hustles, online sales from Facebook Marketplace, or any other expected income.
● List your expenses. Now that you can see the finances you expect to flow into your bank account, make a list of any money that will flow out of your bank account. List every expected expense, including groceries, giving, eating out, loan payments, credit card payments, and living expenses. Use your best judgment for fluctuating payments, like utilities or take-out spending.
● Subtract your expenses from your income. This will help you know where you need to make adjustments, such as where you can save and where you can spend more. The answer to this math problem (income - expenses = ?) will also give you a good idea about how to approach your 2024 financial goals.
● Track your expenses. As you begin budgeting, it is crucial to track your expenses. As you do this, you will begin to have a more realistic view of what you spend each month in different categories.
● Adjust your budget as necessary. Revisiting your budget is an essential part of budgeting. While your budget will remain consistent in most months, some changes may occur. For example, the holidays often see an increase in spending. In summer, electricity bills may soar due to running your air conditioner.
Debt Reduction Strategies
Reducing debt is critical when achieving financial goals and freedom. First, start to understand the types of debt you have to pay. For example, common debts include credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, and car loans. Each debt has its own interest rate and payment terms.
The two most common debt reduction strategies are the snowball and avalanche methods.
● Snowball Debt Reduction Method: The snowball method involves paying off your smallest debts first. It is critical to maintain minimum payments on larger debts regardless of interest rates on each debt as you use the snowball method. Advantages of the snowball method include the feeling of achievement from quick wins that can boost your motivation.
● Avalanche Debt Reduction Method: The avalanche method focuses on first, paying down debts with the highest interest rates regardless of the balance due. This method may take longer but may save more money in the long run by saving on interest rate payments.
Investing in Your Future
Investing can help you build wealth. While building up your savings can help you feel financially secure, investing allows your money to grow more significantly than in a traditional savings account. There are many ways to invest, including mutual funds, bonds, futures, real estate, and many others. Working with a wealth management professional helps when getting started with investing.
Maintaining Financial Discipline
After you understand your financial health and set goals for 2024, it is vital to maintain your financial discipline to meet your goals. Here are some strategies for maintaining discipline and staying on track with your finances in 2024:
● Regular Review and Adjustments: Frequently reviewing your financial plan and budget will allow you to make adjustments as needed. Goals may need to be modified due to life events, holidays, or other reasons.
● Manage Setbacks: Setbacks are part of the process. If you don't meet your goals in one month, analyze what went wrong and plan for similar issues in the future.
● Automate savings: Automating savings transfers can help you stay consistent with savings goals.
Leveraging Financial Tools and Professional Help
In today's digital landscape, many financial tools and apps are available to enhance your ability to effectively manage your finances in order to reach your financial goals. Popular financial tools include budgeting, investment, and debt management apps. Online banking is a powerful tool, often including budgeting features, automated payment and savings options, and all of your financial services and accounts available 24/7. Utilizing financial tech tools, you can see a visual picture of where your money is going, see how your spending and saving play out over time, and make well-informed decisions about your finances.
Professional financial advice is crucial today when navigating complex financial situations like estate planning, retirement planning, and investment decisions. Working with a wealth management professional can guide you to approach to your finances in a holistic way. Often, working with a financial advisor is associated with investing. However, your financial advisor can also help you make important decisions in many financial situations. They can often provide valuable advice, helping you make proactive decisions with tips and strategies tailored to your financial goals and current situation.
If you are setting your 2024 goals and want to grow your savings, plan for retirement, or reach other financial goals, iTHINK Financial has the resources you need and experts ready to help you reach your goals. Join the iTHINK Financial community today. Contact us to take the next steps to ensure your best financial future and keep your 2024 financial resolutions.